Sometime in between crunch time last month (crunch time: n. an interval, usually 2 weeks, that precedes a test in medical school and is reserved for extreme cramming of information during all hours of the day and night), I gave myself a little break from the books to attend a couple of girlfriends’ birthday dinner. What resulted after dinner was a mini photo session with the boyfriend in the hallway of our condo. He seldom remarks on my outfits, but found this one particularly interesting. And that’s how the documentation began…
probably the best thing about these BEBE thigh-highs are the fact that I'm vertically challenged and they hike all the way up to my crotch, making them way more comfortable than muffin-top cinching stockings.
urban outfitters tee = the best $7 buy this season
versatile and airy
probably the best thing about these BEBE thigh-highs are the fact that I'm vertically challenged and they hike all the way up to my crotch, making them way more comfortable than muffin-top cinching stockings.
urban outfitters tee = the best $7 buy this season
versatile and airy
leather & lace has got to be the hottest mix, I love it! :]